ClarityCheck Help Center

ClarityCheck: Essential DOs and DON'Ts

DO's ClarityCheck efficiently and quickly searches massive public records databases with information for most adults in the United States. We can provide valuable insights, from contact information to property records, business records, criminal records, court records, traffic violations, and more.

DO use ClarityCheck to find out information about:

Yourself – Look up your own information to see your online reputation and discover what others can find out about you.

Family – Search for a long-lost relative or look up your parents to research your family tree.

Friends – Learn more about new friends, track down old friends, or even check on your current social circles.

Parents of Your Kids' Friends – Find information about parents that your kids carpool with, or the households where they spend time.

Dating & Relationships – Look up someone you met online before your first in-person date or blind date.

Neighbors – Find information about neighbors who recently moved in, or other people in your neighborhood.

Buyers or Sellers – Learn more before buying, selling, or meeting someone from online marketplaces.

Unknown Numbers – Identify who is calling you by looking up the phone number, and get more information about them.

DON'Ts ClarityCheck is not a consumer reporting agency. You must not use ClarityCheck for any purpose that is covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

DON'T use ClarityCheck to conduct:

Employment Screening – You cannot screen someone in order to hire, promote, fire, demote, or reassign them.

Household Worker Screening – You cannot screen someone to hire them as a nanny, gardener, or other type of domestic worker.

Tenant Screening – You cannot screen someone in order to lease or sell space to them or to terminate their lease.

Professional Service Provider Screening – You cannot screen someone in order to hire them as a tutor, doctor, coach, personal trainer, or any other professional service provider.

Credit or Insurance Eligibility Screening – You cannot screen someone in order to verify if they are eligible for a loan, credit extension, or insurance.

Education or Scholarship Qualification Screening – You cannot screen someone in order to determine if they are eligible for an educational program, financial aid, grant, or scholarship.

Clarity Check
Copyright © 2024-2025 ClarityCheck™ClarityCheck Inc, 8 The Green, Ste R, Dover, DE 19901, USAWtech Europe Ltd, Villa Malitah The Village, Triq Il-Mediterran, San Giljan STJ 1870 Malta

Disclaimer: You may not use or the information we provide to make decisions about consumer credit, employment, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purpose that would require FCRA compliance. does not provide consumer credit reports and is not a consumer credit reporting agency. (These terms have special meanings under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq., ("FCRA"), which are incorporated herein by reference.) While we do pride ourselves on our thoroughness, the information available on our website or that we provide at times may not be 100% accurate, complete, or up to date, so do not use it as a substitute for your own due diligence, especially if you have concerns about a person's criminal history. does not make any representation or warranty about the character or the integrity of the person, business, or entity about which you inquire, or the information available through our website or that you receive from us or any of our representatives.

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